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My 10th grade class, which studies the historical narrative from circa 1600 to 1865 with a focus on Western Civilization
Unlike Great Britain or the United States, mainland European countries faced an array of unique issues, giving the ideas of
Was the Civil War about slavery or states' rights? And are supporters of states' rights, by extension, supporters of slavery?
One central question can premise this part: Given that core components of both conservatism and liberalism were influential among the
I was recently having a conversation with someone who explained to me her interest in politics. Her ultimate goal she
The book begins by citing a 2015 study showing that “43% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29
Let’s jump right in. In this part, I’m going through the key elements of liberalism in Great Britain during the
This post is going to be a bit different than many of my posts, but something that I very much
It’s a bit of a rarity for me to write a book review. Let me qualify that. This is the
For those who missed it, I decided to turn my recent email about Trump's Budget Proposal into a blog post.
In Part 1, I laid out a bird’s eye view of how natural law translated into its common law protections
In the first post in this series, I explored a few key ideas and thinkers that help to establish the
Culture is different than race, and yet, the two are often confused. Warning. I am about to enter politically incorrect
I am not partisan. I am not a team player in politics. To be partisan is to be loyal to
Given that terms like these—liberals, progressives, conservatives, libertarians, et cetera—are thrown out all the time, it is important to have
In his recent book, The Problem With Socialism, author and professor Thomas DiLorenzo directs the reader’s attention to “Rabbi Daniel
Many people claim—most often with despair—that we’ve elected a fascist president to the American White House. And a worse offense could
I wasn't sure if I would get back to this thread right away or not, as I've had a few
If you subscribe to my email (which you should!), back in a November email, I narrated the attack of a
Right off the bat, understand that negative does not mean bad, and positive does not mean good. Like getting back
A quick TV sound bite just doesn’t do justice to the current mess the U.S. has decided merits its own


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