Why I Write What I Write

The following is actually drawn from an email I wrote about why I started this project, especially from a Christian perspective that might find my “pen” better used to write exhortations on Scripture and the Christian life (which I do, as well, in other venues). I think it serves as a helpful mission statement or manifesto, if you will.

What I see is a world desperately in need of Jesus. I see a world that looks to political solutions where only spiritual solutions will suffice. I see a Christian community of conservatives that believe false narratives about the American government and that idolizes parts of it and demonizes others, and I believe there is a destructive dissonance in that approach because it abandons the simplicity of the Gospel: that all people need Christ, and that political solutions don’t–and can’t–work.

I seek to break down the idolization of political solutions because of that: they just don’t work. They never have. Like Israel begged for a king against God’s warning that they would abuse power, and He saw it as a personal rejection of His sovereignty, so we too look to government power for solutions that only Christ can provide.

I also am passionate about seeing the church fill the void in proclaiming the truth of God’s Gospel–which is wholly apolitical–where they think that the government should step in. I really do want to help people understand the reality of the political and economic sphere, the inherent brokenness in it, and to help destroy the idolatry of the “king.” To Christians, I would say and do say that this is an opportunity to return attention to the true King. 

That’s ultimately why I write what I write.

(If this resonates with you, I would STRONGLY encourage you to check out my capstone project to this end: The Tale of Two Gospels.)

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